Mining Levequests
Miners are responsible for the excavation and handling of Eorzea's mineral wealth, be it ores, fossils, precious stones, or otherwise. To fully master the advanced techniques developed by the great mining nation of Ul'dah, they undertake a wide range of tasks, from the meticulous prospecting of the most minute deposits to large-scale civil engineering. Many miners subscribe to the theory of continental drift, and take for their patron deity Oschon the Wanderer.
Miners help excavate minerals, ores, fossils, and other rare stones across Eorzea in Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn. They are also only one of three of the gathering classes available in the game, with the other two being Fishing and Botany. There is almost always a high demand for crafting material on the market boards, so leveling a Miner can make you quite a bit of money, not to mention it can really SAVE you a lot of money on leveling crafting classes. Mining also couples very well with Armorer (ARM) and Blacksmith (BSM) classes, as both of them require a lot of mining materials to craft; including iron ore, mythril ore, bomb ash and cobalt ore, just to name a few.
To become a miner, talk to the miner guild receptionist when you're level 10 or higher on another class. The guild is located in Ul'Dah and ran by Guildmaster, Adalberta. If you plan on quickly leveling a Miner it is always recommended to do 'Fieldcraft Levequests' as they reward a solid amount of experience points, and can alleviate a rather lengthy grind. The beginning levequests start in the home city of the guild (Ul'Dah) and new levequests become available to Disciples of Hand every 5 levels in various locations in Eorzea.
An important reminder is that some fieldleve quests (Piety) evaluate the % of HQ items you were able to collect, so try to use some of your abilities that increase HQ return rate, such as 'Unearth' or 'Depp Vigor'. Finishing a quest with a high amount of HQ material can reward a substantial amount of bonus experience! Your evaluation is based on the exp you would get for gathering the items. Hence, if doing lower leves at higher levels it can be difficult to get enough for a bonus.
Leve Types
- Piety - These leves require you to deplete a certain number of nodes, each of which have two items unique to the leve. Depending on your evaluated rating you may be awarded bonus points.
- Munificence - These leves require you to gather a set amount of material. The leve ends once the quota is met.
- Candor - These leves are a mix between Piety and Munificence leves. There is a limited number of gathering points to reach the requested quota, and once all of them are depleted it ends the leve.
- Benevolence - The leves requires you to gather as much material as possible before all nodes are depleted.
Levequests that can reward bonus exp. on evaluation are highlighted.
Miner Levequest Locations
Level Region Zone/Coordinates Hub Quests Type 1 1 Western Thanalan Ul'Dah Scorpion Crossing (26,24) Rubble Bubble Piety 2 1 Western Thanalan Ul'Dah Scorpion Crossing (26,24) Who Needs the Paperwork Piety 3 1 Western Thanalan Ul'Dah Scorpion Crossing (26,24) Miners' Holiday Munificence 4 1 Western Thanalan Ul'Dah Scorpion Crossing (26,24) The Primrose Path Munificence 5 5 Western Thanalan Ul'Dah Scorpion Crossing (26,24) Pipikkuli's Ship Comes In Munificence 6 5 Western Thanalan Ul'Dah Scorpion Crossing (26,24) I Don't Zinc It's a Coincidence Candor 7 5 Western Thanalan Ul'Dah Scorpion Crossing (26,24) Vanishing Point Piety 8 5 Western Thanalan Ul'Dah Scorpion Crossing (26,24) Do They Ore Don't They Piety 9 10 Thanalan Western Thanalan Horizon (23,16) We Do This the Hard Way Benevolence 10 10 Thanalan Western Thanalan Horizon (23,16) It Peiste to Listen Munificence 11 10 Thanalan Western Thanalan Horizon (23,16) That's Why They Call It Fool's Gold Piety 12 10 Thanalan Western Thanalan Horizon (23,16) Break It Up Piety 13 15 Thanalan Eastern Thanalan Camp Drybone (13,24) Eiderdown for Eidolons Munificence 14 15 Thanalan Eastern Thanalan Camp Drybone (13,24) Earth Sprites Are Easy Munificence 15 15 Thanalan Eastern Thanalan Camp Drybone (13,24) The Doom That Came to Belah'dia Benevolence 16 15 Thanalan Eastern Thanalan Camp Drybone (13,24) A Man's Gotta Dream Piety 17 20 The Black Shroud South Shroud Quarrymill (25,20) Rock My Wall Candor 18 20 The Black Shroud South Shroud Quarrymill (25,20) Location, Location, Location Munificence 19 20 The Black Shroud South Shroud Quarrymill (25,20) Elemental Housekeeping Munificence 20 20 The Black Shroud South Shroud Quarrymill (25,20) Look How They Shine for You Piety 21 25 The Black Shroud South Shroud Quarrymill (25,20) Can't Start a Fire Munificence 22 25 The Black Shroud South Shroud Quarrymill (25,20) Baby, Light My Way Candor 23 25 The Black Shroud South Shroud Quarrymill (25,20) Tag, You're It Candor 24 25 The Black Shroud South Shroud Quarrymill (25,20) Fool Me Twice Piety 25 30 La Noscea Eastern La Noscea Costa del Sol (32,20) Shell Game Candor 26 30 La Noscea Eastern La Noscea Costa del Sol (32,20) The Midden Fair Candor 27 30 La Noscea Eastern La Noscea Costa del Sol (32,20) That's What the Money Is For Munificence 28 30 La Noscea Eastern La Noscea Costa del Sol (32,20) I Kidd You Not Piety 29 35 Coerthas Coerthas Central Highlands Observatorium (26,28) There Are No Good Answers Munificence 30 35 Coerthas Coerthas Central Highlands Observatorium (26,28) Eye for an Eye Candor 31 35 Coerthas Coerthas Central Highlands Observatorium (26,28) Mythril Madness Benevolence 32 35 Coerthas Coerthas Central Highlands Observatorium (26,28) Rocks for Brains Piety 33 40 Coerthas Coerthas Central Highlands Whitebrim Front (12,16) Not Losing Our Heads This Time Benevolence 34 40 Coerthas Coerthas Central Highlands Whitebrim Front (12,16) Brother in Arms Munificence 35 40 Coerthas Coerthas Central Highlands Whitebrim Front (12,16) Breach and Build Candor 36 40 Coerthas Coerthas Central Highlands Whitebrim Front (12,16) Nature Is a Monster Piety 37 45 Mor Dhona Mor Dhona Saint Coinach's Find (30,12) Sucker Seer Candor 38 45 Mor Dhona Mor Dhona Saint Coinach's Find (30,12) Hybrid Hypotheses Benevolence 39 45 Mor Dhona Mor Dhona Saint Coinach's Find (30,12) Crystal Mess Munificence 40 45 Mor Dhona Mor Dhona Saint Coinach's Find (30,12) Metal Has No Master Piety
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Mining Levequest Guide
General information, levequests, and more on the MIN class in FFXIV